Rodent Control - Rats & Mice
Protect your property from rodent pests
Rodent control in your Home or Buisiness
Our experts are here to help, any questions you have towards eliminateing or erradication of rodent pests from your property we are your local experts.
Rodent Control - Know your pest.
The Brown Rat & House Mice are the main culprites when finding rodent activity in properies. Rats are very alert cratures with acute senses to navigate cavity walls and unknow areas. Once a food source is located. They will persue to find near by areas to nest in. They are known to be very active where food sources are avalible. House mice like to enter propertys in search of food also, and when a food source is located. They will claim it for nesting.
How much will it cost to get rid of my Rats or Mice?
Call NPC to get a quote.
Why use a professional pest control company?
Controling of Rats & Mice in your property needs attention to detail in the problem areas and indentifyable knoledge of the pest and its breeding cycles, our staff are fully trained to provide a full service soloution, firstley surveying the property, and provideing information and soloutions towards the imediate control or erradication of your rodent pest.